Growth Market


Medical Services Are Poised for Dramatic Growth due to:

  • Growing Population

  • Aging Population

  • Growing Healthcare Standards

  • Government Healthcare Privatization

With population growth, aging, increased healthcare standards and government privatization, medical services are poised for dramatic growth.

Demographics & Utilization

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in the midst of sustained population growth of roughly a million residents per year, across the kingdom. Coupled with the significant population of youth and middle aged individuals, and the increasing utilization of medical services as one gets older, the market for medical services is poised for decades of sustained growth.

Healthcare Tourism

In addition to the native internal growth factors, if Saudi recognizes even a fraction of the 2030 plan, healthcare demands in Jeddah / Mecca will grow at rates exceeding those of the broader country, making the region particularly ripe for business development.

Privatization of Healthcare Services

As the Ministry of Health carries through on promises of privatization in healthcare services, a growing patient / revenue model will exist for providing services in private, for profit, Healthcare centers to KSA citizens who previously sought care at state-run facilities.

Saudi Arabia Population, 1950-2050
